Call Of The Forbidden Way

“Call of the Forbidden Way, engagingly portrays the challenges faced by ordinary people caught in the grip of cosmic forces originating in a shamanic universe just beyond the limits of ‘ordinary’ reality. Owings’ characters are believable, and his treatment of the ways in which shamanic dimensions can collide with everyday life kept me turning the pages from start to finish.”
Dennis McKenna, Ph.D., Ethnopharmacologist and co-author with Terence McKenna of The Invisible Landscape.
“A masterfully mesmerizing shamanic thriller full of penetrating visionary power…that weaves ancient wisdom traditions, tribal ritual teachings, modern consciousness research, and an ingenious touch of Sci-Fi into an irresistible web of electrifying suspense.”
Mark Seelig, Ph.D., Clinical Psychotherapist
“A wonderful thriller from the world of shamanism and plant medicine.”
Luis Eduardo Luna, Ph.D., Author of Vegetalismo
“A thrilling page-turner and a metaphysical parable for everyone on a spiritual path.”
Tim Ward, Author of Savage Breast: One Man’s Search for the Goddess